Speak Up
Accell is committed to conduct business with fairness, integrity and respect for the law and our values. You may one day observe conduct that seems to violate the law, our Code of Conduct and/or our policies and rules. If you believe that we, our employees, or any third party representing us, do not act in accordance with our values or the law, we encourage you to raise a concern.
Who can use Speak Up?
The Speak Up Line can be utilized by any third party that is impacted by, or business relationship that observes, misconduct by Accell Group, its subsidiaries, employees or business partners.
Please note:
- Our Speak Up system is not meant for consumer complaints or other generic questions. For consumer complaints or questions please contact the customer service representatives of the brand concerned.
- This particular Speak Up system is not meant for Accell Group employees. We encourage all Accell Group employees to raise their concerns through our Internal Speak Up System (see our Policy House site).
How can you use the Speak Up system?
You can raise a concern by visiting the Speak Up Website: https://accellgroup.speakup.report/External-Channel
The Speak Up system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The system can be accessed in your own language.
In order to facilitate an effective investigation to your concern, please include a detailed description of the incident and supporting evidence. Please note that general allegations cannot be investigated.
What Happens after you use Speak Up?
- You will receive a unique code called a 'report key which allows you to check the progress of your report.
- Your report has been forwarded to our Code of Conduct Committee. The Code of Conduct Committee will make a first assessment whether the report concerns possible misconduct and whether the case is (sufficiently) supported by evidence. You will be informed about the outcome.
- The Code of Conduct Committee will then assign the report to a Case Manager for further investigation.
- A fact-finding investigation will commence and only persons who are on a need to know basis (eg. employees interviewed) will be involved in the investigation and the follow up.
- Once the investigation phase has ended, the Code of Conduct Committee will decide whether a misconduct has taken place and if so, the Code of Conduct Committee will take action, and the reporter will be informed of the outcome.